Inside Out & Back Again Image

Thanhha Lai

Grade Level: iv – 6
Fountas & Pinnell: Westward
Lexile: 800L
Accelerated Reader: Level 4.8

Diversity | Newbery Laurels Winner | Historical Fiction | Poetry

Winner of a 2012 Newbery Honor Award

Hà is a ten twelvemonth onetime Vietnamese girl who lives in Saigon during the Vietnam State of war in 1975. This novel incorporates a beautiful collection of poems while telling a heart-touching tale of an immigrant'due south challenges and struggles. Information technology too enlightens the audition to the frustration English Language Learners (ELLs) go through when in a foreign speaking country.

Vietnam | The Fall of Saigon | Immigration | English Linguistic communication Learner | Poetry | Bullying

Suggested Commitment

Independent Read

Central Vocabulary

  1. Chide: express balmy disapproval of or to scold gently
  2. Contort: to twist and bend out of its normal shape
  3. Flaunt: display proudly
  4. Viscid: having sticky properties similar to the quality of glue
  5. Horde: a moving oversupply
  6. Putrid: something decayed usually with a very bad smell; very ugly, bad, or unpleasant
  7. Remnant: a minor remaining quantity of something
  8. Confinement: a state or situation in which you are lone usually considering y'all want to be
  9. Whim: a sudden wish, want, or conclusion
  10. Writhe: to twist your body from side to side

Building Background

This is a video that explains the Fall of Saigon.

Before, During, and After Reading Strategies

Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text.

Before Reading – Chiliad-W-L

A Grand-W-L is an instructional tool for helping readers engage in agile thinking and reading by articulating what they already know nearly a topic (One thousand), deciding onwhat they hope to learn from their reading and inquiry (W), and highlighting or summarizing what theylearned after their reading (L).

Students tin can employ the K-Due west-L tool for topics in Inside Out & Back Again such every bit Vietnam, immigration, or second language acquisition.

Inside Out & Back Again Before Image

During Reading – REAP (Read, Encode, Annotate, Ponder)

REAP is a strategy for helping readers read and empathize a text. REAP is an acronym for the following stages:
1. R – read on your own;
2. E – encode the text by putting the gist of what you read in your own words;
3. A – annotate the text by writing downwards the main ideas (notes, significant words, quotes) and the author'southward message; and
iv. P – ponder what y'all read by thinking and talking with others in order to make personal connections, develop questions most the topic, and/or connect this reading to other reading you take washed.
Use of this strategy through modeling and guided exercise will support increased literal and inferential comprehension. During the procedure of revisiting the text for each of the stages of REAP, students internalize the content of the reading equally they remember nigh means to respresent the principal ideas and bulletin in the author'south and their own words. When students motility to the ponder stage of this activeness, they must connect with the text at a higher level through analysis and synthesis of the reading.

Students can apply the REAP strategy to clarify, question, and review their reading continued to topic in the book such as the Autumn of Saigon, Vietman, Immigration, learning a second linguistic communication, and cultural differences.

Later on Reading – Exit Slip / Revisit K-W-L

After reading the book Inside Out & Dorsum Again past Thanhha Lai, have your students revisit their Yard-Westward-L tools to answer the last cavalcade "learned". Tell students to write an explanation of what they learned in regards to the topic they chose for their Thou-W-L activeness.

Writing Activity – RAFT Writing (Role, Audience, Format, Topic)

RAFT is an acronym used to describe four disquisitional ingredients of writing:
1. Role of the writer
ii. Audition for the writing
iii. Format the writing volition take
iv. Topic covered in the writing
RAFT writing can be used in whatsoever content area after students have read, reviewed, and studied a concept or upshot. It provides a method for students to retrieve critically and creatively about the content they have studied; to brand connections to events, people, and places from their reading; to infer and predict from the text clues; and to synthesize all their newly discovered information into an imaginative slice of writing.

Students can employ the RAFT writing to explore their cognition of the Fall of Saigon or the difficulties of living in a place where everyone speaks a different language.

Inside Out & Back Again After Image

Additional Resources

  • Practise yous have an English Language Learner (ELL) as a student in your 4th course class? Hither is an article that provides suggested resources you lot tin can try with this pupil!
  • Author Thanhha Lai started a non-profit organization with the goal of providing poor students with bicycles they can ride to schoolhouse instead of having to walk several hours to and from schoolhouse. For more than information on the system and how to contribute a donation, visit: